Ministry Staff

  • Pastor Ken and Laura Martz

    Ken and Laura Martz are the Senior Pastors and founders of Covenant Life. They have been actively involved in pastoral ministry for almost 30 years and have a passion to see people walking in their kingdom authority. Ken and Laura have 9 children and 17 grandchildren, own their own custom home construction business, and Christian retreat & conference center. Through their life experiences, Ken and Laura have empowered others to seek God’s righteousness while serving God thru every aspect of their life.

  • Pastor Steve and Lisa Plank

    Pastor Steve Plank is the Assistant Pastor to Covenant Life. He has been co-pastoring at Covenant Life for 9 years and the Assistant Pastor for 4 years. Prior to joining us, he assisted several other ministries. Pastor Steve ministers our Saturday evening service and assists Pastor Ken on Sunday morning. Alongside his wife, Lisa, Steve organizes and ministers in our Outreach Program. Steve and Lisa have 2 children, 2 grandchildren and work at local establishments in our community. The Spirit of God has given Steve a desire to help people in the community and at Covenant Life!

“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them - not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be”

~1 Peter 5:2

Pastor Testimonies

I have known the Lord since I was little. I gave my life to God at 12 years old during a week of special services at a church my grandfather attended. During that week, I met a girl who later became my wife at the young age of 16. Laura and I now have 9 beautiful children and 14 wonderful grandchildren. As we navigated life as young parents, I had countless confirmations on my call to ministry. However, after disappointment in those I trusted in the church, I turned away from God. At the age of 20, as I stepped into my first business venture, I knew I didn’t want to move forward without God. I returned to God and began building my business, mentoring under my pastor and studying through Rhema's Correspondence Program. At age 29, my wife and I received the blessing from our pastor to start Covenant Life. Now as a pastor and apostle, my assignment from God is to bring forth the king and priest (market place & ministry) to the body of Christ according to Revelation 1:6. My desire above all is to be the amen to Jesus' prayer that God’s kingdom would come and his will would be done on Earth as it is in heaven. As a custom home builder and owners/directors of a Christian retreat & conference center, Laura and I share God's love with our congregation and community as we serve Him thru every aspect of our life. We give all the glory to God for the calling He placed on our life.

~Pastor Ken Martz Jr.

In 2003 I had a near death experience in that I lost my desire to live. I cried out to God in that dark hour.  I was at my wits end and he knew it.  I saw Jesus in a vision and I felt his healing life as a warmth come down over me and I felt full where I was feeling empty.  Then I heard his voice speak to me and I wanted to keep communing with him no matter what.  My wife, Lisa, and daughter, Molly, must have thought I lost my mind when I shared this, but after seeing the new man God made me, they knew it was God. I still work a full time job at Hanover Foods where I’ve been working since 1988.  God called me to come along side and support Pastor Ken 9 years ago.  Four years ago he made me his assistant.  The Spirit of God has overwhelmed me with a love and desire to help the people in this community and at Covenant Life church.

~Pastor Steve Plank